Digital Marketing Teams Should Use Figma

5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Teams Should Use Figma in 2024

You may have heard people in the tech industry talking about it. But why is Figma so popular? And why should your team be using it regardless of the industry you’re in?

Here are the 5 reasons why digital marketing teams should use Figma:

  1. Get your team out of email and instant messaging
  2. Align your entire team through collaboration and contextual feedback with comments
  3. Save your company time and money when working with an external marketing agency
  4. Create, edit, and collaborate on copy in context with the design
  5. You can build, design, and manage a content calendar in the same place as your website design assets

A common and frustrating scenario

Take the following scenario for example:

Management wants to update the company website. The conversation starts with a meeting and spills over into an email chain after.

One manager uses powerpoint to jot down some initial ideas and sends that along with notes in an email. Another executive wants to send you some notes about a competitor’s website they like. So they take a screenshot of it, plop it into Adobe PDF viewer, and use the sticky notes to write comments for you.

All your internal stakeholders are communicating through different channels. Information is spread out in way too many places. It’s going to take a miracle if you are able to get everyone on the same page.

And if you are able to, it’s not going to be a process void of lot’s of pain and suffering.

What a nightmare.

Fortunately there is a tool that can help.

What is Figma?

Many teams in the tech industry use Figma daily in their design and marketing process. They understand why it’s valuable. They understand how it makes collaboration between teams so much easier.

But what is Figma? And how can it help my team?

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At its core, Figma is for designing apps and websites. You can also use it for designing logos and creating social media posts.

But, what makes it useful are the extra features beyond design. These features allow easy collaboration between team members and departments.

To get an idea I have highlighted 5 reasons why Figma is so popular.

Reason #1: Get your team out of email and instant messaging

If you want a guaranteed way to kill the momentum of a creative project, use email chains. Exchanging documents back and forth with updated notes in a PDF or a PowerPoint is outdated. If you’re still doing that it is safe to assume you also use a quill and have a messenger pigeon. Thats how outdated it is.

Get your team on Figma. It gives every team member the ability to drop a comment literally anywhere they want. It gives them the ability to copy and paste any copy they would like added or removed from the website. They have a reference website they want you to see? No problem, copy and paste that bad boy right into our shared Figma workspace!

Figma lets teams put all their ideas on a single canvas. Then, they can step back and see the big picture. It’s much harder to see the big picture when feedback and ideas are split into separate emails. They get lost in the email abyss.

Reason #2: Align your entire team through collaboration and contextual feedback with comments

Getting the whole team to share a vision can be tough. It’s a key stage in most all digital marketing initiatives. Everyone wants to give their opinion and rightfully so. They deserve that.

The commenting system makes it easy for everyone to give their input. Stakeholders can leave a comment directly on what they like or dislike. Having a feedback system in the form of comments in your design program is a game changer. It ensures the end product is more cohesive and that feedback doesn’t get lost in translation.

With Figma, each team member has visibility into the design process. And if they don’t want to use Figma, at least the designer can store their ideas and inspiration in one place.


Reason #3: Save your company time and money when working with an external marketing agency

Many companies outsource web development to a marketing agency. This process has a common problem. There is a lot of back and forth between the agency and your company and this takes up time and money.

One solution is for your internal marketing team to learn Figma. They should do this before hiring a marketing agency.

Your marketing team can work with the executives and leadership team. They’ll work on wording, layout, images, fonts, and icons. All the leg work that causes lots of back and forth in a website redesign.

They can then build a prototype of the website you want. If they do this, then when it comes time to hire an agency to build it, you have done all the hard work. All that is left is for them to actually build the website.

Reason #4: Create, edit, and collaborate on copy in context with the design

Creating effective copy is a hard job in itself. It is even harder to write effective copy that also fits within the design of your website.

Doing the copy wrong can ruin the user experience. It can harm your website. This harm will hurt key metrics such as conversion rate, bounce rate, and time on page.

The ability to create the copy in the website mockups speeds up the process. It also makes it more effective and helps the site’s design.

By using the commenting feature you can also get quick feedback and iterate on your copy fast.

There are also many great plugins that help with copywriting inside Figma. Plugins such as Grammarly, Figma GPT, and Relume Ipsum are a few that people are finding useful. And more plugins are being built each day so this is just the beginning.


Reason #5: You can build, design, and manage a content calendar in the same place as your website design assets

Sometimes as a digital marketer, you may need to make a content calendar. Whether it be for upcoming social media or blog posts, having a central location is important.

Using an excel sheet can work, but it feels very rigid and constrained. And the planning can actually be done in the same place as the designing – you guessed it, Figma.

Even if someone uses a tool like Canva to make the initial designs, they can still be stored in a central Figma file.

Use this article to convince your team you need to start using Figma today

In conclusion, Figma offers a full solution for digital marketing teams. It addresses common challenges and streamlines the design process.

Figma centralizes communication and collaboration. It ends the need for fragmented email chains and instant messaging. This allows team members to give feedback and contribute ideas without interruption.

The platform helps the whole team align. It does this through contextual feedback. This saves time and ensures a cohesive end product.

Also, integrating copywriting into the design process makes it faster and better. And, being able to manage content calendars in the same platform also streamlines workflows.

Overall, Figma’s features empower digital marketing teams to work more efficiently, saving both time and money while improving the quality of their deliverables.

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